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The Blessing Bag is filled with all sorts of goodies, often including: (1) Pair thick thermal socks, (1) pair thick sports socks, (1) Pair Winter Gloves, (2) thermal hand-warmers, (1) Quality Energy Bar, (1-2) bags of cookies or chips, (1) container apple sauce, (1) bottle water, (5) Hershey’s Kisses, $5 Cash – AND A LOVE NOTE!


When you fund a Blessing Bag, it is assembled within a few days and then put in a box to be delivered to a homeless person or homeless center in Denver CO. Everybody LOVES our Blessing Bags!


Please also consider adding a donation at so that we can fund the website, servers and all the food that we give out throughout the year. Thank you so much!


Please note that Blessing Bags are different each year (and sometimes throughout the year). It depends on where we find the best deals.


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